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Freitag, der 17.Mai, 09:43 Uhr

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SendungDJ Sad Lovers Off Beat
Montag, 23:00-01:00 Uhr
DJ Sad Lover

Independent Musikmix

Neue Platten, Oldies, Specials - Elektro, Wave, Reggae, Dub - alles was gewissermaßen und irgendwie "off beat" ist, präsentiert DJ Sad Lover seit 2004 in seiner Sendung Off Beat. Früher live von den Plattentellern am Tisch 23 in der PlanBar, heute als Musikmix ohne Worte und immer Montags von 23 - 1 Uhr.

Playlist: 09. Dezember 2013

A blaze on the hillside

"A blaze on the hillside" - Holograms (Forever)

"Cemetery Gaits" - Los Campesinos (No Blues)

"Erosion" - Cymbals (Single)

"Aphidelity" - Plank (Single)

"Again & Again" - The KVB (Minus One)

"Stay Golden" - Tristesse Contemporaine (Stay Golden)

"24" - Sleigh Bells (Single)

"Fox Box Sound" - Dat Politics (Powermoon EP)

"Cut the Grass" - Cheatahs (Single)

"Clear up" - Yamon Yamon (Uisu)

"The Forest" - City of Glass (The Modern Age)

"Here comes the Night Time" - Arcade Fire (Reflektor)

"My Black Sabbath" - The Limiñanas (Costa Blanca)

"Amorator!" - The Fall (The Remainderer EP)

"Monkey" - The Individuals (Fields (1982))

"Cathedral Rings" - The Appleseed Cast (Illumination Ritual)

"Es gibt etwas" - Messer (Die Unsichtbaren)

"Mercy" - Wire (Chairs Missing (1978))

"Annie" - Forest Fire (Screens)

"Love Divine" - Mineral (Plastic Ekphrastic)

"Satellites in Sight" - The Low Frequency in Stereo (Pop Obskura)

"Feel my pain" - Kurt Vile (Deluxe Daze (Post Haze))

"Flashed Junk Mind" - Milky Chance (Sadnecessary)

"Black Sunday Romance" - Orph (Download-Single)

"Biggy" - Warpaint (Download-Single)

"Star Crawl" - Crystal Stilts (Nature Noir)

"Ghosts along the border" - Chris Eckman (Harney County)

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