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Freitag, der 17.Mai, 12:19 Uhr

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SendungDJ Sad Lovers Off Beat
Montag, 23:00-01:00 Uhr
DJ Sad Lover

Independent Musikmix

Neue Platten, Oldies, Specials - Elektro, Wave, Reggae, Dub - alles was gewissermaßen und irgendwie "off beat" ist, präsentiert DJ Sad Lover seit 2004 in seiner Sendung Off Beat. Früher live von den Plattentellern am Tisch 23 in der PlanBar, heute als Musikmix ohne Worte und immer Montags von 23 - 1 Uhr.

Playlist: 17. März 2014

Let me in

"Let me in" - Habibi (Habibi)

"Cult of Love" - Dum Dum Girls (Too True)

"Inauguration" - Hospitality (Trouble)

"What use?" - Tuxedomoon (Half Mute)

"Final say" - Sambassadeur (Some Velvet Coast # 1 - CD1)

"Hi" - Warpaint (Warpaint)

"Hot Dad Calendar" - Cayetana (Single)

"Let it spill" - Los Campesinos! (No Blues)

"Completely not me" - Jenny Lewis (Demand the Impossible!)

"Cut your teeth" - Kyla La Grange (Single)

"Echosassy" - Gardens & Villa (Dunes)

"Someone somewhere" - Simple Minds (New Gold Dream)

"The Road i know" - Azure Blue (Beyond the Dreams there's infinite doubt)

"Leave to remain" - Cheatahs (Cheatahs)

"Sun Structures" - Temples (Sun Structures)

"Too much dark" - Caged Animals (In the Land of Giants)

"Lion with a Laser Gun" - Hatcham Social (Cutting up the present Leaks out the Future)

"The Woods are gone" - Solander (Monochromatic Memories)

"Leave this Island" - Maximo Park (Too much Information)

"Cold Kind" - Forest Fire (Screens)

"Faith" - I Break Horses (Chiaroscuro)

"Patriarchy over & out" - PlanningtoRock (All Love's legal)

"Last Words" - Hospitality (Trouble)

"Rimbaud Eyes" - Dum Dum Girls (Too True)

"Sound of no return" - Chris Eckman (Harney County)

"Conquer me / Conquer dem" - Jane Bee / Naram (March of the Gremlins)

"Farmscrapers" - Dad Rock! (Mount Modern)

"Initiation" - Eraas (Initiation)

"Deliverus" - No Ceremony (No Ceremony)

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