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Freitag, der 17.Mai, 12:19 Uhr

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SendungDJ Sad Lovers Off Beat
Montag, 23:00-01:00 Uhr
DJ Sad Lover

Independent Musikmix

Neue Platten, Oldies, Specials - Elektro, Wave, Reggae, Dub - alles was gewissermaßen und irgendwie "off beat" ist, präsentiert DJ Sad Lover seit 2004 in seiner Sendung Off Beat. Früher live von den Plattentellern am Tisch 23 in der PlanBar, heute als Musikmix ohne Worte und immer Montags von 23 - 1 Uhr.

Playlist: 06. Oktober 2014

Little Glass Pill

"Little Glass Pill" - Bob Mould (Beauty & Ruin)

"The Factory Gates" - Kaiser Chiefs (Education, Education, Education & War)

"Ready to go" - Tirana feat Mile Me Deaf (Single)

"Don't ask about Poland" - Grzegorz Ciechowski (Tak, Tak)

"One for the Road" - Arctic Monkeys (AM)

"What goes Boom" - Pixies (Indie Cindy)

"Cockroach" - Crocodiles (Crimes of Passion)

"ROYGBIV" - Public Service Broadcasting (Inform-Educate-Entertain)

"Give, Get, Take" - Maximo Park (Too much Information)

"Time forgot" - Conor Oberst (Upside down Mountain)

"Ghosts of Berlin" - Andrea Schroeder (Where the wild Oceans end)

"April Fool" - Patti Smith (Banga)

"Alone with the Wires" - Forest Fire (Screens)

"Looking for real Love" - Hollie Cook (Twice)

"Spirit" - Future Islands (Singles)

"Natureboy" - Wild Beasts (Present Tense)

"Perfect World" - Broken Bells (After the Disco)

"Hardbeliever" - Fink (Hardbeliever)

"Gimme some Annihilation" - Crocodiles (Crimes of Passion)

"R U Mine?" - Arctic Monkeys (AM)

"Kid with crooked Face" - Bob Mould (Beauty & Ruin)

"Underworld" - Brody Dalle (Diploid Love)

"Coming Home" - Kaiser Chiefs (Education, Education, Education & War)

"Indie Cindy" - Pixies (Indie Cindy)

"Zigzagging Toward the Light" - Conor Oberst (Upside down Mountain)

"Amerigo" - Patti Smith (Banga)

"Dead Man's Eyes" - Andrea Schroeder (Where the wild Oceans end)

"Ellipsis" - Mirel Wagner (When the Cellar Children see the Light of Day)

"Seagull" - Bill Callahan (Dream River)

"Talea" - Tirana (Single)

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