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Montag, der 13.Mai, 22:16 Uhr

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Rock gegen Mittelmäßigkeit - wer nicht hören will, muß fühlen.

Playlist: 15. Juni 2012

this is what feminism sounds like

"tainted love" - gloria jones

"feminism? yes please!" - bertha lutz

"rassist, classist, anti-gay bullshit" - all or nothing h.c.

"brincando de igualdade" - anti-corpos

"golden haze two" - bam! bam!

"fighting the creep" - bonnie macallister

"my heart bleeps noisy beeps" - räuberhöhle

"paper guns" - dance on your grave

"the end of a reign" - decibelles

"call: 034" - dirty

"got killed" - dead by pregnancy

"saturday nite" - eat the daisies

"spliff" - eatliz

"богородица, путина прогони" - pussy riot

"pinc bloc" - lost luna

"kool boyz" - the potential lunatics

"let you go" - las gusanas

"bunny bunny" - the dethkats

"boner!" - fourth wave

"tight ass (there's no such thing like chivralry)" - samantha schindler

"fasterharder" - la chatte, amizade!

nach oben

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